Tech Talk: Teaching with (by Adding to) Wikipedia
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Tech Talk: Teaching with (by Adding to) Wikipedia In-Person
This month, the Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education and Bryn Mawr LITS are pleased to partner with the Wiki Education Foundation to discuss how and why instructors might consider building Wikipedia assignments into coursework.
As part of this initiative, the Tech Talk for Tuesday, February 16 will be a workshop with Jami Mathewson, Educational Partnerships Manager at Wiki Ed, who will introduce the resources and tools available to support instructors teaching with Wikipedia. Jami will bring ideas from the NWSA women’s studies initiative, and share new plans for 2016’s Wikipedia Year of Science — including ways for instructors and students to join efforts aimed at increasing the representation of women in science on Wikipedia.
Bring your devices, your questions, and your ideas! All are welcome.
Please note that this workshop begins later and runs longer than the Tuesday tech talks typically do. Snacks will be available in Quita Woodward starting at 4pm, so please feel free to come early.
Questions? Contact Monica L. Mercado, Director of the Greenfield Digital Center, at
About Wikipedia
One of the world’s most widely read websites, with approximately 550 million unique visitors per month, Wikipedia articles are often the number one hit when using a search browser. Its broad public presence, open for editing to anyone, offers a unique opportunity to participate in an online community of practice.
Why teach with Wikipedia?
As an educational tool, the development of Wikipedia articles allows students to create collaborative work with a visible impact on a global audience. Whether adding new sources to existing Wikipedia pages or creating new pages on notable topics, students gain deeper insight into their course material and learn to evaluate critically the reliability of sources. With faculty and students reporting enthusiasm and high levels of motivation for the Wikipedia assignment over the more traditional, Wikipedia assignments have the potential to deliver education that goes beyond a semester.